SOLVED: Oracle installation prerequisite steps


2 min read

Hey there! I got a request asking that I give a step by step guide on how to run oracle installation prerequisites before installing oracle DB12c. I will be doing justice to that now.

Follow these easy steps below.

Make sure you are connected to the Internet.

(edit System eth0. Check the connect automatically box, and switch to Automatic(DHCP) method under Ipv4 settings)

Goto Terminal and enter

yum install oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall

Oracle dependencies packages will be installed automatically. This will also create the oracle user.

Now create additional groups with the groupadd command. Enter the following commands below.

Groupadd oper

Groupadd backupdba

Groupadd dgdba

Groupadd kmdba

Modify oracle user by entering this command:

Usermod -g oinstall, -G oinstall, dba,oper,backupdba, kmdba, dgdba oracle

To confirm oracle user groups. Enter

id oracle

Set password by entering

passwd oracle

Now edit network configuration to manual (editing system eth0)

Put in for address and for gateway

Enter service network restart

Check lnet by entering


Enter ip add and hostname into the host file

Vi /etc/hosts


I to insert


Press Esc and :wq and press Enter

Try to ping your hostname by entering the command below. Replace with actual hostname.

Ping yourhostname

Stop firewall by entering (for oracle Linux os):

service iptables stop

chkconfig iptables off

to confirm enter

service iptables status

to create directories enter

cd /u01/

mkdir app

Now, change ownership of the app folder to oracle user and oinstall group by entering the command below:

chown oracle:oinstall app/

Now, you can begin the installation of your Oracle Database 12c. I hope this works for you.